
Figure 1. MRI of pelvis showing avascular segments of femoral heads (2008).

Figure 2. X-ray (weight-bearing) of AP and Lateral right knee (May 2010).

Figure 3. MRI of right knee showing areas of osteonecrosis (May 2010).

Figure 4. X-ray AP and Lateral of right knee post drilling procedure (Oct 2010).

Figure 5. Right femoral head with undamaged cartilage on inferior aspect.

Figure 6. Exposure of lateral femoral condyle.

Figure 7. Resection of avascular bone from lateral femoral condyle.

Figure 8. Shaped autograft sections from femoral head.

Figure 9. Reproduction of the desired elliptical contour of the lateral condyle.

Figure 10. Fixation of the autograft into position using headless compression screws.

Figure 11. Postoperative AP pelvis x-ray.

Figure 12. Full extension and flexion of right knee.

Figure 13. Postoperative AP and Lateral right knee x-rays.